People and Processes

IM Gears' most important asset is its employees. We have a dynamic and motivated workforce whose skills are continually upgraded through regular training sessions. Employees are exposed to cutting edge methods, ensuring that we retain our competitive advantage in a fast-changing world. Distinguished faculty from leading institutions are brought over on a continuing basis for this purpose.

Team work is also encouraged, and cross-functional teams (CFTs) are formed for various activities. Kaizens (continuous improvements) are a regular part of each employee's day-to-day work routine. Best practitioners of kaizens are awarded to give them due recognition and keep them motivated.

For whatever you need manufactured...

We'll work together with you.

Quality Management Certifications

CSR Policy and Annual Report

Plant I & Registered Office
235 1A & 2C Vengaivasal Main Road
Madambakkam post, Selaiyur
Chennai - 600 073
Tel : +91 44 2278 0598 / 0386 / 0085
Fax : +91 44 2278 1565

Plant II
Survey No.219, Vedavakkam Village,
Maduranthagam Taluk,
Kanchipuram-603303, India.
Tel : +91 44 2756 7400 / 7402 / 7405
Fax : +91 44 2239 0386

IM Gears Morocco LLP
Registered Office:
Atlantic Free Zone, Route National 4
Commune D'amersaflia, Lots 52,53,64,65
Kenitra, Morocco.

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